Regulations in respect of thermal efficiency to buildings is very much at the top of the agenda these days. We are all experiencing the effects of global warming and many of us have set our sights on behavioural and/or product changes. With old buildings for example, retrofit is trending with insulative and energy ideology, and new build U-Value thresholds are becoming stricter. And rightly so, the climate crisis is our responsibility, and it is up to us as corporate giants, SME’s or individuals to do our bit.

Effects of global warming
Earth Blocks Ltd have a roadmap to deliver zero-carbon products that are also sustainable and efficient. A big ask….but we feel we’re getting there. Our continued data-gathering often surprises us, like our cradle-2-gate statistics and product strength intelligence. The same can be said for our thermal conductivity and thermal resistivity test results to our cob blocks and cob bricks.
Cob Block thermal efficiency
We sent away samples of our cob block and cob brick to the lab for testing. In addition to the cob samples, we also included a concrete block sample for comparison.

3 cob block samples
Thermal testing was undertaken using a heat flow meter in accordance with BS EN12667:2001. Thermal conductivity and thermal resistivity to the cob samples was measured using a FOX 50 Heat Flow Meter and the results were calculated from FOX 50 software.
Thermal Test Results