Hydraulically pressed cob blocks and cob bricks made here in Cornwall from natural, clayey soils. Thermally and structurally tested our earth block and earth brick range of products are suitable for new-build and self-build construction projects. They are equally suitable for cob wall rebuilds and cob wall repairs.

Earth Blocks Ltd is a company that prides itself on manufacturing sustainable building materials for the construction industry. In addition, our processes tick a few boxes too…..for example….water required in the cob block and cob brick manufacture is rainwater collected in one of our many 1000lt ibc’s.
Zero Waste
Albeit contained, making cob can be a messy old business……a 5 tonne mix for example, spread across the yard, creates a fair amount of peripheral material not suitable for cob block or cob brick making. It doesn’t go to waste though…far from it….we can either collect this material and return it to the raw material pile or gather it up, let it dry naturally, sieve it, bag it and move this on as an earth mortar.

Earth blocks, earth bricks, cob blocks and cob bricks that do not meet our exacting standards are simply returned to the raw material pile. These ‘rejects’ are then reconstituted during the next cob mixing operation.

Natural Raw Materials
Clayey soils are in abundance here in Cornwall. Situated 300mm – 1m below the topsoil, these clay seams are natural geology. Across the county we can find varying degrees of colour changes to the soils, however and whatever the hue, clay content is commonplace.

Our current stockpile of clayey soil here at the yard was destined for landfill….however the local developer was only too happy for us to have it.
What does this clayey soil consist of?
So, another box ticked along our eco-friendly, zero waste journey.