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Cob Bricks – Feature Walls

Our cob bricks here at Earth Blocks Ltd in Cornwall are a multi-functional product that delivers cost effective solutions to cob wall repairs, cob wall rebuilds and cob new builds. Made from 100% natural and sustainable materials, our cob bricks are one of the most environmentally friendly building mediums available today. Newly manufactured cob bricks…

cob blocks buy UK self-build natural building materials

Eco-friendly Cob Blocks

Building with earth has been around for millennia. Middle-eastern countries continue to practice it and many parts of India still use earth as the go-to construction medium. Everywhere else on the planet ‘dabbles’ with it! Surprising really, when one considers that widespread adoption and usage of this material was commonplace, particularly here in Cornwall and…

buy cob blocks for self-build sustainable materials

Cob Blocks

Cob blocks (and cob bricks) are slowly establishing themselves within the sustainable building material marketplace. The use of and demand for Compressed Earth Blocks or CEB’s is seeing steady growth. Eco-friendly building products are at the epicentre of sustainable construction and its journey to produce less CO2e and embodied carbon. What is cob? Cob in…